My Bucketlist

There are a lot of B&M rollercoasters in the world I wish to ride at least once some day.
Many of them are located in North America and Asia.
The rollercoasters in Asia are more difficult for me to do because i am not that interested in doing a trip in this area of the world. But doing one or more (short) trips in the USA will be more easy I think, hopefully within 10 years time. And offcourse the rollercoasters located in European themeparks are the most easy to ride for me.

Coasters on my Bucketlist:

Here you’ll find my shortlist of B&M rollercoasters I wish to ride in the future.
When there’s a year noted, this is the year I hope to ride this rollercoaster.

Unconfirmed rumors:

Themeparks on my Bucketlist:

These are the themeparks that are on my bucketlist, with at least one B&M coaster i’d like to ride one day.
Most of these themeparks are located in North America. The Asian themeparks with B&M coasters aren’t on my bucketlist yet, because Asia doesn’t bother me much.