In januari of 2020 there were rumors about SeaWorld Orlando getting a new coaster for as early as 2021.
Coaster Kings reported that SWO had submitted a permit application for a possible new attraction in 2021. The project name was “SWO Penguin”.
This attraction would be placed in the area between the main entrance and Ports of Call/Bayside Stadium.
Rumors were talking about a B&M Wing Coaster or even the first ever B&M 4D Coaster.
In april 2020 there were some rumores about parts being shipped to SeaWorld Orlando for a new type of B&M coaster, a Surf Coaster. This new coaster could be opent to the public in 2021 or 2022.
But thanks to covid-19, we did not hear anything about this project for a long time.
In december of 2021, after almost 2 years of silence, some very interesting information about “Project Penguin” got leaked on the internet. The website said they recently received/found the full set of layout drawings for this project.
And the train for this coasterproject can be the in 2020 revealed new “Stand-Up” coaster train.

The guys from also made a nice animation video for this layout.
Edit 18-10-2022: The coaster will be called “Pipeline“.