First trackpieces for Valkyria are up

A couple of days ago the first trackpieces for Valkyria, the new Divecoaster in Liseberg Sweden was placed on it’s supports. And more pieces are waiting for installation. The construction of valkyria has already been delayed due to the difficult soil in which the tunnel had to be excavated. Source: More construction photos:

Trackwork for Valkyria starts in January

The first trackpieces for Valkyria @ Liseberg where already at the park 2 months ago. But now the most important pieces have arrived, the parts for the lifthill. Setting up these pieces will start after the holidays in January Steel will start to go vertical in January. @Liseberg @veilstrup — EuropeanCoasterClub (@coasterclub) 19 december …

Liseberg announched Valkyria (divecoaster) for 2018

Today the Liseberg themepark in Gotenborg Sweden presented the full layout for their new Divecoaster Valkyria, which will open in the park in 2018. The stats for this rollercoaster were already announched last year when the park revealed their plans for 2017 (Giant swing Loke) and 2018 (Divecoaster Valkyria). Constructer = Billiger & Mabillard Type …