Monster (Gröna Lund)

Monster is a steel inverted roller coaster at Gröna Lund in Stockholm, Sweden. The coaster was manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard and is the park’s largest investment to date, which a price tag of 450 million Swedish krona (approximately €44.3 million). Development and construction of the coaster took several years, and a third of the …

European B&M Bingo

Every rollercoaster fan knows what you mean, when you are talking about coaster-bingo’s. A rollercoaster fan has scored a coaster-bingo when he or she has ridden all the rollercoasters in the park what they were visiting. This have to be not only the thrillcoasters but also every family coaster and kiddie coaster. But coaster fans …

Gröna Lund

My first and only visit to this beautiful Swedish themepark was in june 2018.Back then they had no B&M build rollercoaster. Construction of Monster officially started in november 2018 and the coaster opened to the public, in 2021. I will ride it in 2022. The B&M coasters i’ve done in this park:

Opening new inverted @ Gröna Lund pushed to 2021

Gröna Lund has officially confirmed that the opening of their new inverted rollercoaster has been pushed back to 2021. Construction of this new rollercoaster will start in the autumn of 2018 and it will be part of a referbishment of this area, which also includes new restaurants. Source:

Construction at Gröna Lund has started

Almost 1 year ago the Gröna Lund themepark in Stockholm Sweden, revealed their plans for the opening of a new B&M inverted rollercoaster in 2020. Today the European Coaster Club announched that the park started today with the first construction works for this rollercoaster. Work has just started at @gronalund on their 2021 B&M Inverter. …

Gröna Lund will get an Inverted Coaster for 2020

The  Gröna Lund themepark in Stockholm, Sweden, has given out a request for a building permit for a new B&M Inverted Rollercoaster. When this request will be accepted, the park can start the construction of a new rollercoaster in late 2018. This rollercoaster can open for the public in spring 2020. The ride will be …